Friday 23 December 2016

Internship at Silverstreet Malaysia Sdn Bhd

So guys please look up for untuk cari apa-apa internship BERBAYORR.. 
Sis dari awal lagi cari yang ada elaun, yela kita bukan apa, nak syok la sikit rasa. 

So terpijak rezeki dekat sini dengan elaun RM1,000.00... 
jangan kau ingat intern elaun tinggi kau boleh goyang kaki, ni level goyang kepala sebab pening tak faham apa. Dengan semua speaking, office matsalleh, share dengan intern from Netherland. 

Dan nasib baik jugak jumpa akak melayu berdua ni, kalau tak krik krik lah kau. 
Location dia dengan Wisma Lim Foo Yong, the first Family Mart yang wujud dekat Malaysia. 

Terima kasih kakak berdua for all the memories ;) 

Ni aktiviti diorang pergi skytrex. Kalau company tak bawak, memang tak la nak join benda mcm ni oi 
Image may contain: 3 people, including Fatin Nabilah Hatta and Ema Yunus, people standing, eyeglasses, child and outdoor
from right, aiman and daus, Mr Diksha (my boss), kak ema, me and patrick! This is my department team
Image may contain: 3 people, including Tasha Natasha, people smiling, people sitting, crowd, table and indoor
Baiknya sis mintak dinner last intern dekat Little Rara Thai Noodle je.. 
My internship ends in December 2016.

Thursday 8 December 2016

Major Throwback

Hoi siapa je lagi yang main blog2 cerita pasal life sendiri ni ha? Aku lah tu. Whatevess, later when I became an adult, maybe my kids ke can read this and know my stories, maybe the untold ones.

So recently I've been helping Ayoi with Ekin's  blog. nak delete katanya, alang-alang tu, terfound out old blog of him. Hahaha sorry sayang couldn't help it to bahan you. Then I scroll down to older posts to find almost all of his post has my name in it. That was like 6 years ago? All of our moment together, he wrote it down.

Maybe it doesn't hurt to put the link here Ayoi's blog .

here is the bear that i got from him back in August 2010. the picture itself was taken at that time. dengan baju kelawar nya lagi. very authentic picture okay. haha

to be honest, i am touched/moved seeing this. to have someone that loves you, never ever take advantage on me (despite his bad boy character) and to know that i am irreplacable for him. goshhh. terasa ada bunga2 atas kepala dah.

to top it off with something much sweeter than this is......the fact that we're counting days on our E-day! yeayyyy (refer next post for E-day preparation)

to my love,

thank you for always being there for me, thank you for making it happen, thank you for always loving me (diam-diam sampai terang-terangan). i couldn't ask more from you. i love you always

the same Atin 7 years ago